President’s Message – 18th September 2020

President’s Message – 18th September 2020

Trail Eatery Parking Lot

Good day everyone and trust you are enjoying the fall weather. I was out for coffee and a drive with Terence and Tony this morning and also to check out the arrangements for Sunday’s run. It’s a lovely day out there but with the top down first thing this morning I needed a coat and gloves! Both the TR and I love the cool temperatures so hopefully fall will stretch long into November when we’ll add a toque to the line-up and crank up the heater.

Talking of drives, all 3 of our club runs scheduled for Sunday with Terence and me, on 27th September with Derek and 4th October with Clive and Alex, are full. If you want to be added to the wait list please contact the organiser. Details are on our Events Calendar.

I was chatting with Keith Smout yesterday about a bunch of things. As you know Keith, through Exotic Motorworks, is a platinum sponsor and great supporter of British Car Day. What you may not know is that his day job is Chief Commercial Officer for DSTecheetah the Formula E team that recently won the championship for both constructors and drivers. Congratulations Keith! Keith is considering sponsoring a golf day at the beginning of October, mid-week in the Orangeville area. No firm details yet but he asked me if there would be any interest from Toronto Triumph Club members. So, if you would like to express an interest please drop me a line. I’m meeting with Keith on Tuesday for a coffee and a chat so if you could let me know before then that would be great. Thanks!

I have an update from Len Fortin, President of the British Car Council, on the Long Distance award for 2020.

As the year 2020 has been quite different from previous years, with the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions imposed to prevent the spread of the virus, it was suggested to reduce the driving distance requirement for the British Car Council Long Distance Awards for 2020. I’m sure you can understand, the Council does NOT want to be viewed as heartily encouraging members to contravene Federal & Provincial restrictions by driving their vehicles to achieve the typical annual goals. However, a compromise balance of cautious individual driving pleasure and a reduced distance requirement can continue the BCCI LDA intention of the awards: “to encourage British automobile drivers to participate in a campaign for their fellow enthusiasts, their clubs, their personal pride and for the general public, by driving their classic cars as much as possible, bringing to mind the love of the British Classic Car”.

Currently dash plaques are awarded to every driver successfully completing 3000mi / 5000kms(individual or combination of vehicles). This will change to every driver successfully completing 1000mi / 1600kms(individual or combination of vehicles). and will apply only for the 2020 driving year. All other requirements of the program, including the recording and reporting of successful participants, will remain in place as they have typically been.

To claim an award go to and if there are any questions e-mail

Sunday 4th October is the date for the Classic and Iconic Vehicle Toy Drive – Country Heritage Park Milton starting at 9 a.m. Here’s Phil Miller’s message.

Because of Covid-19 this will be a simplified version of our normal Toy Drive. Entry into the park is still free through the south gate. We ask that if you are out of your car you practice social distancing and wear a face covering. We feel that this year more than any, the Salvation Army will need our help. Therefore, we propose a “Drop and Drive” event.
• Drop. We ask that you bring a gift or a new unwrapped toy. Alternatively, a cash donation can be placed in the sealed “Kettle”. This will then be donated to the Georgetown Salvation Army.
• Drive. A handout to an optional 70 minute “self-guided” scenic drive, will be given to you when you arrive. This will cover local roads, in and around the Niagara Escarpment.
For more details please contact

In closing, it sure is a pleasant change to be talking about upcoming events and I do hope that you are able to get the Triumph out for a spin this fall. Most importantly though take care and stay safe!

Cheers; Dave

Dave Sims
President, Toronto Triumph Club