President’s Message – April 2024

President’s Message – April 2024

Happy April!
What a topsy-turvy winter it has been! The March storm is now an almost distant memory as the temperatures have climbed, and the snow has departed. It was a late onslaught that threatened the true arrival of spring, but we’ve come out the other end.
During the warm spell before the above storm, I was able to get out into the garage and finish working on my passenger-side trunnion! This side was much easier to deal with, mostly because I now knew what NOT to do. The car is back on its four wheels and has been started and warmed up fully. She’ll be ready to go as soon as I’m able to give her a good wash. 



We had a massive turnout for our annual pilgrimage to JD Auto on March 19th with roughly 35 members in attendance. We armed Josep (Joe) and Griff with a handful of questions, and many others followed from the assembled audience.     

We discussed brakes, clutches, cams and carbs, and a few other things that I can’t remember; we had to cut off questions at 90 minutes in order to enjoy our pizza. Joe donated a number of items for a surprise draw after the discussion, and the club provided a grand prize of a vehicle appraisal valued at $250, won by Tony Fox. Congratulations to you, Tony and to all of the winners!

Look for a full report in the next Ragtop.

Our next Club event will be a lunch meeting on Saturday, April 13th. The email announcement went out yesterday – info and registration can be found here:

Our season officially opens with the Ancaster British Car Show & Flea Market on Sunday, April 21st. We will have a table inside where you will be able to renew your membership and purchase some of our merchandise (hats, t-shirts, magazines, etc). Credit and debit card payments are accepted! More details about the event can be found here:

Other Club events that are being planned for over the next few months include:

  • Spring Fling is being held in the Jordan Bench (Niagara) area on Saturday May 25th with the MGCCT. This is a one-day event with optional hotel stay(s) for attendees. Info and registration can be found here:
  • The Canadian Classic is back June 20-23 as an amazing 3-day trip through the Ottawa and Mississippi River Valleys with several exciting and interesting stops along the way. We’ll meet with the Ottawa Valley Triumph Club to help them celebrate their 35th anniversary at a BBQ on June 22nd. Info and registration can be found here:

I hope to see you at one or more of these events!

As a reminder, we are looking for volunteers for the following positions for 2024:

  • Vice President
  • Meeting Coordinator
  • Ragtop Contributing Editor
  • Ragtop Advertising Manager
  • Social Media Coordinator

If you have any interest in any of these positions please contact me any time.