Reminder for Events Happening This Week on 9th & 10th February 2021

Reminder for Events Happening This Week on 9th & 10th February 2021

A quick reminder that we have two virtual events planned for this week:

1. Next Club VIRTUAL Zoom Meeting – QUIZ NIGHT

DATE:            Tuesday 9th February

TIME:             7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


MEETING ID: 709 243 9786.

PASSCODE: 530500.

SYNOPSYS: Terence McKillen will be testing our knowledge of “anything related to cars” although I hear on the grapevine that Triumph trivia will be front-and-centre.  There will be prizes for the winner(s) which will be well-earned as I imagine that the quiz will be challenging.


  • Each participant will be kept in the “waiting room” until they are authorised to join the meeting.  Please be patient.
  • All audience members will be muted to cut down on background noise.
  • If you have a question, use the Chat function; similarly when you have tallied your results at the end of the quiz you can use the Chat function to let me know your scores.
  • To sign into the meeting, you don’t need to download any apps, just click on the below URL and enter the password.  PLEASE start to log on by around 6:45 p.m. which will give us a chance to get everyone out of the waiting room and address any issues.
  1. Drive Your Triumph Day – 10th February

Are you ready for Drive Your Triumph Day, Monday, February 10th, to celebrate Sir John Black’s birthday, the man who organized Standard’s purchase of Triumph after the war and went on to make the cars we enjoy driving today?    Here’s a note from Rye Livingstone who organizes this fun event every year.

Dear Fellow Triumph Owner,

 One thing that has remained constant in this crazy pandemic year is the pleasure to social distance by taking a drive in your Triumph.  So, with that in mind, it’s time to plan a social distance activity for Drive Your Triumph Day, February 10, 2021.   My name is Rye Livingston and I’m with the Triumph Travelers Sports Car Club in Northern California, which is celebrating our 62nd anniversary.  As you may remember a number of years ago, I encouraged people to drive their Triumphs on February 10th, to celebrate Sir John Black’s Birthday.  Last year I received about 350 photos from all over the world: Scotland, Ireland, the UK, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Uruguay, Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, Canada, Holland, Czech Republic, and of course all over the USA.  I’m hoping we can increase that number this year!

 The concept is straightforward. On Wednesday, February 10th, go for a drive in your Triumph.  Take a scenic drive on a country road or out to lunch, to the market, to work, wherever. Go for a drive alone or in a big group from your local Triumph Club. Take your spouse, buddy, child, grandchild or your dog; then take a photo. The photo is mainly of the car, and the owner if possible, ideally in front of a cool spot, landmark, scenic view or in your driveway. If it’s the middle of the winter where you live and your car is in hibernation, or in the middle of a restoration, take a photo of it anyway. 

 Next step is to email a high-resolution photo to, along with some basic information: owner’s name, year and model of car, and place photo was taken (city, state, country). The photos will then be published not only in our club newsletter, but also in USA’s national magazine: Vintage Triumph Registry, and on the Drive Your Triumph Day website:


Rye Livingston, Activities Chairman, Triumph Travelers Sports Car Club

Shown above is a photo of Owen DeReus at last year’s event and here’s the link to all the TTC-submitted photos  …  when we had 23 club members’ cars featured.  LET’S SEE IF WE CAN EXCEED THAT NUMBER ON WEDNESDAY!

Cheers; Dave

Dave Sims
President, Toronto Triumph Club