Toronto Triumph Club AGM Notification – November 2022

Toronto Triumph Club AGM Notification – November 2022

It’s that time of year again when we turn our thoughts to the Toronto Triumph Club Annual General Meeting which is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday 15th November.   While it would be ideal to hold a combined in-person / virtual AGM there are technical issues which can be resolved but we just don’t have the know how to address them, thus we’ll go for a Zoom meeting again this year which will be accessible to all our club members regardless of where you are located.    I do hope that you will join us for our virtual AGM.  Here are the meeting details:

  • Tuesday 22nd November from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
  • To sign into the meeting, you don’t need to download any apps, just click on:   

Toronto Triumph Club AGM – 22 Nov 2022

  • Please start to log on by around 6:45 p.m. which will give us a chance to get everyone out of the waiting room and address any technical issues.
  • For audio only, find your local number at
  • Each participant will be kept in the “waiting room” until they are authorised to join the meeting.  Please be patient.
  • All audience members will be muted to cut down on background noise.
  • If you have a question, use the Chat function (I’ll explain this more at the beginning of our meeting).


  • 7:00 p.m.         Welcome / approve last year’s minutes.
  • 7:05 p.m.         A (brief) year in review, Dave Sims.
  • 7:20 p.m.         Membership update, Rob Ragsdale.
  • 7:25 p.m.         Ragtop / BCD Programme Update, Terence McKillen.
  • 7:30 p.m.         Social Media Update, Derek McAllister.
  • 7:35 p.m.         Financial Report, Clive Huizinga.
  • 7:40 p.m.         Update on web, Keith Stewart.
  • 7:45 p.m.         Voting for 2023 TTC Officers.
  • 8:10 p.m.         Other Business / Questions.
  • 8:15 p.m.         Meeting adjourned.

You will see from the below information that we need to attract some of you to fill positions in our organization.    But in summary, the key positions to be filled are:

  • Secretary, a position that has been vacated by Alex McLeod.   This position is a Member of the Executive and is responsible to keep the minutes of all meetings and maintain the Club’s Corporate Minute Book and records.   Issuance of minutes via email to meeting members.  Responsible to ensure that all notices of meetings and agenda items are communicated in a timely fashion.
  • Assistant Web Manager: Tim Moller is taking on the Web Manager duties for 2023 thus the Assistant position is now available.   The Assistant Web Manager is responsible to assist with maintaining the website and provide current and accurate information.  Familiarity with Web page editing software would be an asset but since support and assistance from the Webmaster is available, it is not a limiting factor.   The current environment for Web site content is WordPress. The Assistant Web Manager will work closely with the Web Manager and RAGTOP Editor to ensure that messaging is consistent in both mediaCurrently responsible for managing the Classifieds.
  • Director-at-Large: A members of the Executive, Directors at Largehave such duties and responsibilities as may be assigned to them from time to time by the President or the Board of Directors.  If you would like to find out real time what it’s like to be a member of our Board, we will temporarily increase the number of Directors at Large to give you a flavour of what it entails.
  • Contributing Editor: This position has been vacated by Mike King.  The RAGTOP Contributing Editor is responsible to help produce and publish the quarterly Club magazine seeking out contributions from members and/or sourcing or creating original content for publication in Ragtop as well as editing regular features.  The Contributing Editor reports directly to the Editor.
  • Advertising Manager – reporting to the Ragtop Editor this position involves attracting advertisers for Ragtop and the British Car Day magazine.
  • Spitfire / GT6 Co-ordinator – Bill Heaton is stepping down from this role so we are looking for a new coordinator to work alongside Warren Beech.

TTC Executive and Co-ordinator Position Descriptions

Here is a listing of the TTC Executive and Co-ordinator positions that we need to have filled for the coming year.   We are always looking for new blood and ideas on the Board to keep us fresh and relevant and encourage you to volunteer for any of the positions listed below:   

  • Positions bracketed in grey indicate that the incumbent is willing to continue
  • Positions indicated as vacant are bracketed in red and need to be filled asap.
  • Positions bracketed in blue means that a new person has stepped forward.
  • Positions marked TBC (to be confirmed) means that I haven’t heard back from these individuals yet.

TTC Board Members

(Dave Sims) Member of the Executive. The President is the visible voice of the Club who presides over all Executive meetings, Club meetings and the various official events the Club holds throughout the year.   As a signing authority of the Club, he along with the Treasurer is responsible for the bank accounts. The President leads the Executive Council and sets the strategic direction of the Club, with the agreement of his fellow councillors. This is the most critical role within the Club and this position requires someone who is totally committed to the Club and measures success by the interest its members put in the Club and its activities.  The President is responsible for ensuring annual returns and other government filings are made pertaining to the Club’s Not-For-Profit status.

Vice President: (Derek McAllister). Member of the Executive. The Vice President backs up the President when the President cannot attend events / executive meetings, etc.

Treasurer: (Clive Huizinga). Member of the Executive. The Treasurer is responsible for managing the financial aspects of the club, keeping the books, and issuing the annual financial reports. As the co-signatory to the Clubs bank accounts, he / she works with the President to oversee the bank accounts. The Treasurer enters all financial information pertaining to membership payments into the Club’s online computer database. The Treasurer represents the Club at the British Car Council, which holds its meetings once or twice per year. Computer and financial accounting skills are very important for this role.

Secretary (Vacant).  Member of the Executive. The Secretary keeps the minutes of all meetings and maintains the Club’s Corporate Minute Book and records.   Issuance of minutes via email to meeting members.  Responsible to ensure that all notices of meetings and agenda items are communicated in a timely fashion.

Membership Director: (Rob Ragsdale).  Member of the Executive.  The Membership Director is responsible for setting up new members in the Wild Apricot Membership Database, issuing them with new member packages, creating reports and interfacing with the membership to answer specific questions related to the benefits of being a member. Computer skills are also very important for this role.  The new membership database was introduced in 2021.

Director of Communications: (Terence McKillen).   Member of the Executive.  The Director of Communications is responsible to:

Oversee the production of RAGTOP to ensure that messaging is consistent with overall marketing and communications objectives of the Club;

  • Work closely with the Web Manager;
  • Manage media relations with outside contacts and be the “Voice of the Club” in conjunction with the President;
  • Assist the Executive in marketing and promotional initiatives;
  • Report to the Executive on communications activities at its meetings; and Carry out such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the President.

(Wayne McGill, VACANT). Members of the Executive. Directors at Largehave such duties and responsibilities as may be assigned to them from time to time by the President or the Board of Directors.  If you would like to find out real time what it’s like to be a member of our Board, we will temporarily increase the number of Directors at Large to give you a flavour of what it entails.    

TTC Co-ordinator Positions

  1. RAGTOP Team
    • Editor: (Terence McKillen) The RAGTOP Editor is responsible to produce and publish the quarterly Club magazine and BCD programme. The Editor will set a production schedule and budget for the year to be signed off by the Executive.
    • Assistant Editor: (Alison Postma) The RAGTOP Assistant Editor is responsible to help produce and publish the quarterly Club magazine seeking out contributions from members and/or sourcing or creating original content for publication in Ragtop as well as editing regular features.  The RAGTOP Assistant Editor reports directly to the Editor.
    • Contributing Editor (VACANT).  Same as for Assistant Editor.
    • Advertising Manager (VACANT): Responsible for securing advertising for the RAGTOP Magazine and the TTC Website to help offset costs while at the same time provide a listing of services and suppliers for the Membership. The Advertising Manager will report to the Director of Communications and work closely with the Web Manager and RAGTOP Editor
  2. OTHER
    • Model Co-ordinators: There are 8 Model categories that we provide special assistance to. The Model Co-ordinators primary role is to answer questions someone may have, specific to their model, monitor the TTC Social Media forums for marque specific questions and submit marque related articles for publication in RAGTOP for which the Editor will provide a schedule.
      • TR2, 3, 3A – Keith Stewart, David Tushingham.
      • TR4, 4A – John Lille, Keith Stewart.
      • TR250 – Ron Etty, David Tushingham.
      • TR6 – Wayne McGill, Derek McAllister.
      • Spitfire, GT6 –Warren Beech, VACANT.
      • TR7, 8 – Ron Etty, Brad Reynolds.
      • Stag – Tony Fox, Robin Searle.
      • Herald, Standard, Vanguard, Roadster – Kem Jones, Herald – Wayne McGill.
  3. Interclub Coordinator (Tony Fox): There are a number of British Car Clubs throughout the GTA as well as Ontario and the United States; the Interclub Coordinator is responsible to interface with those clubs as necessary to promote the TTC and BCD.
  4. Social Media Co-ordinator (Derek McAllister).  The role of the Social Media Co-ordinator is to:
    • Promote awareness of the Club and its various events
    • Promote awareness of and attendance at British Car Day
    • Share photos, videos, posts, etc.
    1. Meeting Coordinator(s) (Derek McAllister).  This position has been vacant for 5 years and it’s great that Derek has volunteered to fill the void.  Derek will be looking for help with setting up meetings across the GTA.  The Meeting Coordinator(s) is responsible to organize the monthly Club meetings, with input from the Executive and membership. The Meeting Coordinator sets and books the venue, organizes the topic or theme of the meeting, promotes the event through the web site and bulk Emails to the membership. Basic computer skills are needed for this role.  The new Membership Database certainly helps make this role more streamlined.
    2. British Car Day Chairman: (Dave Sims).  The biggest one-day British car show in North American is led by a key individual (or individuals in the case of Co-Chairpersons). The BCD Chairperson is responsible to oversee the event and ensure all aspects of it are properly organized. The year usually starts off by the organization of a committee that will assist in the organization of the event
    3. Event Co-ordinators
      • Spring Fling (MGCCT in 2023)
      • Club Meetings (Co-ordinated by Derek)
      • Round-the-lake trips / Canadian Classic (any volunteers?)
      • BBQ (Will hopefully resume this in 2023 – any volunteers?)
      • ½ Day drives throughout the year.   To follow on the successes of the past 2 years we are hoping to continue regional drives in 2023 as follows:
        • WEST END – Terence McKillen and Dave Sims.
        • CENTRAL – Derek McAllister and Rob Ragsdale.
        • NORTH – Clive Huizinga and Alex McLeod.
        • EAST – David Compton and Vic & Bev Whitmore.
  2. Volunteer Coordinator: (Rob Ragsdale) The primary responsibility is to organize the volunteers for British Car Day. Each year approximately 100 volunteers are required for the Sunday of BCD and a further 30 to 40 for the set up on the Saturday. The Volunteer Coordinator should develop a contact list of volunteers that he can contact each year.
  3. Regalia Liaison: (Wayne McGill). Responsibilities include sourcing a variety of affordable Club logoed regalia items to promote the Toronto Triumph Club. This position requires a close working relationship with the Executive who approve any use of the Club logo(s) on printed materials. Duties will also include liaison with Kim Chevalier of Kimprint – our new excellent Regalia provider
  4. Ambassador-at-Large: (Wayne McGill). This role is one to promote the Club wherever he or she may travel, as it relates to the hobby.
  1. PR/Sponsorships: (Dave Sims). Responsible for securing sponsorships for Major Events such as British Car Day to help offset the costs.   
  1. Club Historian/Archivist: (Wayne McGill) Generally a long serving member of the TTC who is familiar with Club History and events. The Club Historian/Archivist is responsible for record keeping and archiving past issues of the Club newsletter and magazines as well as other information pertaining to the history of the Club. Frank Manning will continue to be recognised as Honorary Club Historian.

Questions about a specific position?  Interested in volunteering for a position?

… if you have any questions about any of the positions listed above or would like to indicate that you would be interested in running for a specific position, please email or telephone me.

Thank you to everyone who has helped in the running of our club in 2022.  It has been a very good year following the challenges of COVID.  Let’s hope we have continued success in 2023 with a full slate of volunteers filling all positions.

Cheers; Dave

Dave Sims, President, Toronto Triumph Club