President’s Message – January 2025

President’s Message – January 2025

President’s Message January, 2025
Welcome to 2025!
As I write this message we are experiencing a little snow storm in Toronto. The forecast for the snow belts north and west of Toronto are ominous – I hope that you all take/took the necessary precautions!

December was a busy month in our home with holiday preparations and events. It was great to see our extended families and share meals with them all here in Toronto and in Cornwall.   

We’re starting the year off with some non-driving events for members: We will be holding a Zoom meeting on January 29th where we will learn about a new automotive-focused facility being created north of the GTA, which we hope to also visit in person during the driving season. In addition, we’re planning some pub lunch outings to help members stay connected over the cold months. Watch for details on these events in the coming weeks.

Drive Your Triumph Day 2025
Help celebrate Sir John Black’s birthday on February 10th, 2025! It’s a global fun event where people who are able to get out and drive their Triumphs with family, friends, and other Triumph owners. As we TTC members live with some form of winter, we can still join in with a photo of our Triumphs in the garage, on the driveway, or maybe on a nearby road! To participate please send a high resolution image (JPG file) to including your name, location, club affiliation, and model of car. Please try to send the email before February 20th so that your picture(s) make it into the posted collection of photos. Our thanks go to Rye Livingston of the Triumph Travelers Sports Car Club for continuing to organise this winter event for Triumph enthusiasts.

Brass Monkey Run in aid of Toys For Tots 2024
The Brass Monkey Run, held by the MGCCT on October 20th, included over 20 cars and was attended by a number of TTC members. The run raised $2,200.00 for the Salvation Army TOYS FOR TOTS program in Georgetown, Ontario. Thank you to John Burrows and the MGCCT for organising the fun drive and lunch and for inviting our club members to participate.

Part of the contingent of cars out for the run.

John Burrows handing over a cheque to Major Miriam Stevens of the Salvation Army, Georgetown


Our first Board meeting of this new fiscal year will be on January 21st, and we still need your help!
The following roles are vacant and in need of volunteers:
Vice President
Director of Communications
Director at Large
Ragtop Contributing Editor
Ragtop Advertising Manager
Social Media Coordinator
Round-the-lake trip / Canadian Classic organiser(s)

Please contact me to discuss or volunteer for any of these needed positions.


Derek McAllister
President, Toronto Triumph Club